Saturday, June 13, 2020


Took part in my first protest today if my memory serves. I've been to events for a cause but I don't think I've been to a protest. I think the point I want to make is that it's just a normal thing that can hopefully have extraordinary consequences. We all know from the news there have been issues of violence and property damage associated with some protests but I feel like these are rare occurrences; the media loves sensational stories so such events are always showcased even when most protests do not lead to this. If you have something you want to stand for and you are up for it, look for a local protest you can take part in. If protests aren't for you, then please don't spread the fear and rhetoric I see attached to them in a lot of social media. A protest is not chaos and it is not something to be afraid of. Regardless of your politics, protests are a protected part of the first amendment, alongside religion and the press. Don't let unfortunate incidents cast a negative view on an important way to push for change in this country on any issue. Okay, I'm pretty tuckered out so I'm happy I already wrote today's post like mostly two years ago 😂. I'll be back Monday.

So much to say, but,
as I speak, you become
a painting and with my snake tongue
I can only talk to salt and sand,
slithering in the dirt,
the sullen silence of Eden.

This is not a place for conversation.


Johnny fucking Appleseed
and what is America?
I swing from vine to vine,
never looking down,
always chasing bananas
for my wife to bake
into bread to be fed
to my family.

(being an account of
the mule majesty)

I, DK,
float fearlessly,
high in the sky,
yet afraid of the rhyme.

Through wife,
Divorced life,


Asslord, I, DK,
mumble away
from my shimmery
jungle home.

My nephew looks at a ray
of sun and I say
we are not much more than light
and yet there is so much weight
--we must wait--
as if for the command
of hands much larger than ours.


Big hands, big ands:
my cousin is royalty,
but he's much bigger than me.

Musing: men are animals,
we are apes,
and a sudden itch in my tail.


Sometimes I think
the earth is flat
on its side, scrolling...

I try to go back,
undo what I did,
sliding right to left.

Shouts from the id:
You wouldn't hit it.
Means, thankfully, wouldn't quit it.


She shouts
and I say
I am not the controller,
as she throws the remote.

I stare
and she stops.
Time becomes a portrait,
eye strain leads to pixels.


Remember college?
All the Tarzan jokes,
thinking Dave Matthews
wrote those songs
just for us?

When I think back,
I'm afraid you've
only been an image...

Profile pic,
one-eyed Jack,
"get my good side,"
your Trump card,
and the hairy hands I've been dealt.


All my life I've knelt, knuckles in the dirt,
crawling, eating dust,
until one day,
I climb high,
drinking grapes and watching hops
over barrels.

On my first job,
I learned to drink,
but when I blame the red man,
people think I mean the devil.


I played the villain,
knowing there was darkness inside me,
chopped trees and spilt milk...

Just to say
I ate the frozen plums
you were saving...

I feel my lizard brain
deep inside
hidden by fur.


So, another horse without a rider,
I am a bullet outside the gun.

The thought to hibernate,
living aimlessly
for the time being.

Hand after nap
smelling of semen,
the Navy, war;
I'm thirsty.

Are they ever going to stop making Planet of the Apes movies?


Andy Serkis's impressive impression:
he does me
better than me.

Why act?

of hands,
fingers linger in the cement.

Sea meant a place to bathe,
wash food,
drink water.

I water the flowers as I cry,
think vaguely of suicide.


Obsessed with Kate Mara
I keep abreast of her roles.

Fantastic Four,
eye rolls,
at least DC has a million apes.


So what if I write the works of Shakespeare?
Who the fuck would really care?
Blame it on the typewriter.

Wash my face, look in the mirror,
am I a reptilian shape-shifter?
All the other monkeys are fucking DJs.


Bullet proof,
bullet outside of gun,
wish I was a musician,
wish I was a real boy,
wish I had an accent,
wish I was blind,
wish I was a woman,
wish I had a soul,
wish I was asexual,
wish I knew how to cook,
wish I talked to people,
wish I spoke Spanish,
wish I had an incurable disease,
wish I made movies,
wish I had night terrors,
wish I was someone's wish,
wish, wish, wish...


Try to rhyme rhythm
with cynicism.
Eating old food that's probably bad,
easily echoes in verse as sad,
another has been lad's been had.

The thought of mycelium
in the brain,
mushrooms and snakes,
Medusa as a plant monster.

I wake up and know for sure that I dream in color.


I thought
about how humans were probably just Lego models for aliens.
There was peace
in being merely pieces.


Apebrain or colorblind,
you dance from blonde
to brunette in memory.

Lady Pauline,
smelling of peaches,
in dreams.

Awake to
the phallic banana.


I'm really not an exhibitionist;
the clothes just don't fit.


I, DK,
what is the meaning of life?
I, DK,
how do I feel happiness?
I, DK,
what is love?

Knowledge is a forbidden fruit
and I swear I'm not a snake.


A snail in the grass,
a sneeze in my boot,
slimy as I slide in my foot:
It's going to be a beautiful morning!

Dreams of castration,
dreams of dead, bleeding, bananas
screaming bloody murder.

Yeti, sasquatch, bigfoot,
missing link,
and yet I prefer
sausage patties.

Dreams of life
as a hedge fund analyst,
getting my life together
and paying alimony.

Dreams of metamorphosis,
or bursting from an egg,
not exactly sure...
It's a dream.

That feeling, upon waking:
I should change my life.


I think I listened,
but I never heard you.
My memories are weird snapchats
and you don't speak.

Weird, silent films
with a slow frame rate.

Bad graphics,
game freeze,
kill screen...

I think back to us
and all I see
is candy.

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