Friday, June 12, 2020

"Morning Bell"

THE ROOF is on pause. When I returned to the blog for this play I found a poem that I had forgotten I'd written so you're going to get that tomorrow. Thom Yorke had a very different and yet similar experience with a Radiohead song once so I thought what I'd do today was something I used to do and riff on those song lyrics to talk to you all.

Been feeling unproductive lately. Watching I Know This Much Is True and reviews on it are saying it's well-acted but very dreary. Mark Ruffalo is like Job; bad things just keep happening to him. Children play a role in complicating multiple relationships. "Cut the kids in half" and put a version on both albums. There's a fall; "a bump on the head, howling down the chimney." Moving into a new house, ghosts, and we do have a Ratt problem, "round and round and round and round and" Lyrical confusion: everybody or nobody. The duties of friendship, being bound to best buds. How can opposites be hard to tell apart? Twins living different lives. "Everybody wants to be a friend." A ghost you don't know is like nobody and everybody at the same time. "Nobody wants to be a slave."

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